When conducting Central Location Test(CLT), what are the differences between street catch and pre-recruit?

Related words :
Quantitative-survey, Central-Location-test, monitor-recruiting, Street-Catch, Pre-Recruit


Street catch involves approaching pedestrians around the venue and conducting screening questions on the street. Pre-recruit, on the other hand, involves pre-approaching potential participants and gathering them at the venue to answer the questionnaire.

Street Catch:
Street catch entails approaching pedestrians around the venue and conducting screening questions on the street. Eligible participants are then asked to come to the venue to answer the questionnaire. In this case, the person catching individuals on the street is referred to as a ‘recruiter,’ while the one conducting the questionnaire at the venue is called a ‘researcher or interviewer.’

One drawback of street catch is that it may lead to biased demographics due to selecting participants from those passing by the venue, depending on the characteristics of the area. For example, a venue located in a shopping district near a private railway might attract mostly housewives.

Pre-recruit involves pre-approaching potential participants and gathering them at the venue to answer the questionnaire. Methods for recruiting include using web monitors, fax monitors, or snowball sampling (asking acquaintances to recruit others). CLT conducted in apartment complexes is also another option.

Pre-recruit is effective for CLTs with high difficulty levels. Having the opportunity to assign pre-task assignments to participants is also considered a benefit of pre-recruit.

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